Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What Does Office On Facebook Chat Mean

Day 5 - Arequipa dolphin attacks which are black;)

to Arequipa we arrived at five in the morning, after nine hours of night bus ride. I was expecting a climate like India, wooden benches and laying on the roof and in the meantime got to the superluxusowy, double-decker bus with air conditioning and a completely crazy driver who either drank a lot of our favorite tea from coca leaves, or too little-I do not see another option:) By first the first hour of sitting on a chair Tabi commented that what is happening on the road as the best racing, WRC, with the difference that we were at the center of events:) The site zarzucilismy backpacks and we went to a local hotel Daewoo Tico taxis. Hostels are doing more and more interesting, much closer to India's already climates, but somehow so fun to sleep in his sleeping bag than in the beds:) But then we live in the center, which caused the already o8.30 morning we woke up garbage, street uproar, August nadzierajace vendor, prostitutes and taxi horns. In late August we have gathered and we went sightseeing Arequipa starting from hard knocks - the urban market. Terrible things sell there, but nothing beats my grandfather, who when we drank three cocktails ... of cloves. Recipe simple, the box will be thrown into a cocktail mixer and ready ...

... I do not know whether this change in our psyche, or total detachment from the world, the climate of the Whole, or a little bit. In the end, starts to look like a third world country. Dung on the street, stalls, fairs, sidewalks, squares and greens for me misty wspomineniem India. There are still (as my prediction) rather clean, but part of the team already recognizes only bakers and local kabanos imported from Polish! And yet Arequipa is known throughout Peru with two wonderful specialty confectionery and ... wonderful baked guinea pig. Anticipating the questions, so of course we eat it for dinner today:)
Outside hot air south. He writes these words in our hostel waiting for the rest of the team. For several minutes we move to the rafting, which according to the announcement is rather a specially dangerous (rapidow scale from 1-4, so it should be merrily:) Hello boys until he gets up in the morning after an overnight bus ride did not get it sync and had to sleep longer in focus.
The other night (ku ** a fine of not inquired into the program because I went crazy trip:) we set off for a two-day trekking through Colca Canyon the deepest in the world, from what I remember more than 3500! We are waiting for two days' march from dawn to dusk, overnight in huts, but the reward will see condors in their natural habitat. This is one of the heavier parts of the expedition, and without beating about the bush unless we are all slightly POSR whether we can do it. Therefore, today, instead of part of the boys visit some sleep and regeneration. From the canyon while we go to Puno on Lake Tititaca. There probably starts something and write some computer jakbylo. Because of Puno already flying in the wilderness, to Bolivia, which you can not wait:) We are so tired from yesterday was not even nominated for the text on, pipe "of only about zuka skater slightly revived by information from the furnace with the Polish. Apparently, some acquaintance with the Poznan (note-another witness!) Pee in the corn (!) And it caught up with ... as seen on the developmental

Meanwhile, just returned from rafting! I pierdziele - what total. Water as cold as damn, he said Baron: We have eggs and raisins - a small and wrinkled:))) But the views przefantastyczne. not so beautiful river flowed. high stone walls smoothly passing on a cliff with huge trees, round wet stones, and clear skies over the snow-capped mountains in the background. And this little chronicle duty. Today I got the title of pipe ", at the request of Seba, by the acclamations. But there seems to be a rafting outfit rider (as he considered the Baron), or as he believed the rest of the outfit of black dolphin ¨ ° - I do not know quite what they meant, but I promised to publish the photo:)))

but well - we assume helmets, vests and some funny suits, command train, inflatable boat on the river and ... prad grabs us!

Rafting lasted almost two hours on the road with some really sharp at times (I was in the raft with the Baron, Juras, two angielkami and coxswain). Share every moment, the struggle for the maintenance of a pontoon in August, spraying other rafts and the mega challenge - as a successful boarding and throwing the opponent into the water-beer for wszytskich. Formed alliances, and secret podpuchy share:)) We are delighted for me it is also very important because after rafting on the Zambezi River where he almost drown again feels great satysfkacje with this sport! After the biggest ¨ ¨ rapidzie we turned himself jumping into cold water - a spectacular flight Gilbert below:

the broad topic of thought you can say that we are all capable of fatigue but also the increasing adaptation. I am personally all the time while consciously and subconsciously looking for an analogy to India, I have been with Seba and other ekpia almost a year ago, and whom I see shadows in every corner. Maybe this idealization, but the color purple, purple, yellow or fiery red of a better look at the background of dirt, mud, dust and Indian tropical air. For now, Peru is surprising landscapes, which (in particular those on the way to Machu Picchu) are close to the gorges of wyspiepoludniowej in New Zealand, and the views of the mountains first allows one to his knees. But I also have many clean and neat places (market in Cusco) to which there are many powstydzilo small Polish towns. Others are also people. In India, it was hell on earth (in the slums Amristarze whether Dehlli-old did not see Calcutta) hell full of angels, spiritual people, beautiful, detached from his outright physical existence. In Peru, while people live from day to day, are nice smiling, but the tread firmly on the ground. That's why I'm waiting for the jungle, Bolivia, and deserts ...

in the evening. Season repack backpacks and prepare yourself for extreme two days. We go to the Colca canyon ...


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