Monday, June 8, 2009

How To Check Messages On Rogers Home Phone

Day 4 Day 3 Cusco Machu Picchu and the "mysterious beetle skater" Day 2 Cusco

We depart the dark streets at 5 am. The first view was a police patrol which stretched from the Peruvian covered with a nice mug on the sidewalk. Well, cokraj a habit:) Without a bigger adventure Macchu Picchu reach, fog descends, and slowly the sun dispels the morning gray, with every moment the sky becomes clearer and more blue. The ancient capital of the Inca does electrifying impression!. discover the ruins of a later ascent to the summit of nearby Waychna Picchu (Entrance is only 400 persons per day) and we do hundreds of commemorative photos. Later again, we approach the pass to the "gates of the sun," then went into the old Inca capital. About one hour 14tej tired as dogs drink beer and light trance of the trail we go into town for a small lunch in a local pub. After negotiations, we set the street 'pay reczaltowe "for the meal (in Peru for all czega a very long time, the odpowidajacy raachunek the facts in the restaurant-even longer). Ogulnie pub we went to the waitress who had the best neck, because, as we found almost unanimously-there will be good for us:) I already thought of this day come to an end ... how great I was in error :))))

.. . at the station on the lawn after we launched toward beers and rum. In a large bomb already we entered the train and started to share like in the movies of "the Poles going by train." Once with a thick tube-contest rhymes - throw a sentence, the second it ends, and so it hurt. It started more or less like this:
"when he gets up early dawn ...
... Juras can still sing ... "
Then it was even worse, that is, the better. Wylem with laughter. A train us, quietly and secretly raised us to the height of 3400m above sea level. Each meter high and dilution air was accelerated our rapture! Dare to risk if it was not some small event went on the bus, most of us would have never knew how to find herself in Cusco. During the bus ride from the train station to the hostel in the middle was so muck, stench and fumes from the alcohol Drews almost suddenly woke up screaming and began a monologue to a sleeping coach in those words "Are you a whore even aware of what is happening here ? "and toasting some 5 minutes later the ax can hang with etc:) Well, we stayed in the box in order to ventilate ... and we started ...!

.. Furnace warned us that it is a worm (But not the insect), which after strozce urine can get into the urethra. We agreed that in total, yes, but it has to be in the water and insect and fish. However, Furnace has a friend in Poznan, whose supposedly the rolling drops of urine after an insect attacked, the response teams do not have long to wait. Insect is, of course, "zuk lyzwiaz" has nibynozke and reproduces the bad touch. It's hard to observe it, because I Dislike be magnified under a microscope. Can a rainy day jumping attack pokroplach rain celebrating the sacrifice of urine on the balcony on the floor ... 11tym The scientific authority, wrote about it already, as we know Arkady Fiedler ... nie.nie.nie etc ... it will not happening ... ryczelismy with laughter! Generally

- an amazing day. I knew from the masculine journey are specific, but I did not anticipate that so quickly zezwierzecimy. Number of testosterone in the air, literally makes me feel right at the back of my fur will grow:) About the language, and indeed a meta-language they use does not even mention:) At the end of the day We agreed also two new habits - daily summary of the day and the best selection of text, situation and the hero of the day. On yesterday was this:

Asior of immortality and also for tomorrow: Juras, as to get lost in Machu Pichhu

text of "fuck like a Negro hut during childbirth" (a smelly air on route to golden gate)

To exit the new concept dictionary: What is "SebaDa? - Loan from Seba :)))))

Pipa day: a collective award for those who do not go with us to the gate of the sun above Machu Picchu:):) and preferred to drink a beer on the benches:)

dynamically develops the theme "zuka skater" about whom we write later:) are likely to rise on this separate page on Wikipedia and nonsensopedii is already on the bank the whole department. Surely we are on our side NaszaKlase, Beyond and the whole :))))


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