Friday, June 19, 2009

Is Black Truffle Safe While Pregnant

Day: not-know-who. We left the jungle. Weekly Summary

On Monday we went to the local plane north of LaPaz towards the Amazonian jungle. Early morning propeller toy airplane for about 20 people flew into the unknown. Just before dawn we landed in the last bastion of civilization before entering the Amazon jungle. View, which we appeared, to say the helmet broke off.

grassy airport in Rurrenabaque, after which you run around horses and other cows systematically driven away by the support for the airport, he does an amazing impression. This booth who does not even have gates pyrotechnic not to mention any other hardware, which we know from the airports. In the background of the majestic mountain like a Disney fairy tales, the favorite in the foreground, slowly, like fish in an aquarium crossed keys of parrots. Swit, warm sunlight, absolute shock .... From the airport we went by minibus to the town for breakfast. For part of us, there was no place, but with the help of a prospective local taxi service, which for 10 boliwianow (about £ 5) took the boys to Rurrenabaque.

After eating breakfast, which was supposed to be quick, and it got to the 2 hours (mania, you know) we went to the first part of the expedition. Our goal was Pampa located north of Rurrenabaque, a town still in Santa Rosa. The first part of the way we overcame the jeeps. The atmosphere was fantastic, as shown on the attached image:)))

After more than three hours of driving we arrived to the Bolivian wilderness clearing river. There, our backpacks were thrown into a narrow, elongated SHIP with small motorized and we went on, the water already by Pampa.

Here we add a few words of explanation. For a European bid to secure the jungle hides what we have in mind, which recall the memory of geography lessons about the Congo. Tropical high forest with the gorillas, and wild animals. And jungle is a contractual concept, another bush in Zimbabwe is full of antelope, hippos, lions and monkeys. Another is the jungle in the Amazon basin, which consists of a network of tall trees and rivers. Pampa is also different, higher kind of savanna cut by flood waters, on which they live turtles, alligators, pink dolphins, birds of paradise, or capybara. Our first three days in the vicinity of Santa Rosa already spent in the pampa:

On the way to Our boat had established malpka, who acted as King Julian from Madagascar second movie Julian Piecyk liking and lacked little, in order prezac the side has sung ¨ First: len'stwo ... I ko: brawl ¨ :))))

In the evening we arrived to our base, a small house on stilts, in which we had to stay for two nights.

We found actually what you might expect, bunks with shutters, water bottles, pretty big mess. Our cook Mercedes (baptized right away Cutlery for zmylki ¨ ¨) sat down to prepare dinner, with freshly whipped by lokalesow cows. The unfortunate events we notice that the place has not reached Martin's backpack. When the day was coming to the west slightly in August we were surprised, because the set in the meadow near the pitch took place with the football match lokalesami. In total, cool event, but little jungle ... After dusk fell password to go on a night expedition boat, look for alligators. And all that was good, if not for some strange situations in the raft run by a Lokales nicknamed Rambo. Too many alku and words that should not graze. I am on the night escapade will not have chosen, and as we see, well done. Those who had knowledge of what happened and the end of the topic ...

next day in the pampa spent on exploration trips and living here in the wild anacondas.

Crossing the Pampa of the most pleasurable thing in the world does not belong. Foot of water, inches soaked shoes, but as the pore, in which we are apparently perfectly boliwisjkiego year because during the water is up to the waist. We are all dressed in white shirts with long sleeves, because it is a reliable way for it to deter the ubiquitous mosquitoes. For me, moreover, is not the only problem. I have a leg cut by the damn thing since the mid-thigh down, a burning at the second bite. Outstanding on the feet while I think some sort of new civilization, which is growing at a pace that far in two months alone will be able to send rockets to Mars:))) The first rule of soldiers fighting in the jungle sounds · at all costs to have dry feet ¨. Lazac the pampa this task is almost impossible. Well, we pushed the August here. :)))

Honor expedition and also the undisputed title asiora day, Baron, anaconda who first tracked down in the marshes!

(interesting is that the anaconda very bad human hates mosquito measures. In order to take it to your hand, you need to thoroughly wash the hands)

next day we spent quietly at observing the local fauna and flora. The most interesting sights was swimming with pink dolphins in the river (the same, in which you were alligators). Dolphins kept away rather to the concept of having fun together, but the undisputed asiorem day for jumping into the water first replaced Martin:) (Tabi says that if it would be the first in time mastered his pants) :))))))

Another curiosity was the morning fishing piranhas. Here I have to boast that caught piranhas as the first:))) After about a half hour we had a fair supply of fish, which gutted and cooked by · Pledge ¨ ate for breakfast. It is true that eating fish from quite recently, but I must say that tastier fish to piranhas do not know! My opinion, moreover, unanimously shared the rest of the team.

After two nights in the pampa came time for the return boat and a jeep (again przeprzyjemna journey in good company:) to Rurrenabaque.

Here we bade farewell to the Polish already wyjezdzajacymi Andrew, Furnace and Wojtek (just do not get a pipe "pity week:) Odprowadzilismy most wonderful boys in the airport world and we moved on to the local Moskkito ballet bar.

few words about the Rurrenabaque. This village consists of four streets and the tiny harbor. Lokalesi they part mainly motorcycles. The climate is typically backpakerski, most local business is a tiny hostels, laundries and bars where a few boliwanow can eat a normal meal-measure. His atmosphere of seaside towns like surfers. Sebi reminded some Key West (of course, based on the correction for the Bolivian muck and mess). I was associated with small coastal towns, which times of splendor have already passed. One thing is indisputable. Once upon a time I do not remember so well as in Rurrenabaque zrelaksowal.

night we spent drinking in the local races of drinks with names such as: ¨ ¨ creamy blow job, ¨ jungle wet dreams / whether a slippery nipple ¨ ¨. We drank in the race, to fit in a happy hour. Very quickly to our table, joined by Australians and Canadians. And the rest probably would not have to write longer, were it not for the Seba of muni course and turned on the second half drunk vodka bar. The dances, as usual, was unprecedented Tabi. On the occasion of this wonderful event earned a pipe shameful day, because as it turned out he was gay Australian and stated that the group Thirteen guests also have been some loving otherwise. Your thoughts shared with Tabim and Seba, so to feel something that it can not be me. A roar of laughter and pipa ready. When I returned to the hostel before I saw some sort of strange-looking polnaca processions.

Nothing exciting, but this was later highly-reaching consequences for the Baron and Juras, who after Moskito Bar decided to get to know the life of the local community until the early morning strolling the streets of the charming city. Music played on the number of houses to force them on a caroling visits from event to event playing with the rhythm of the music lokalesami live banners and liquor from the cactus! In one of the houses the reception was especially hospitable after the contest wrestling won the hand of George. Surprise for them was the fact that everywhere they were welcomed with curiosity and friendliness, and open ramionami.Pozniej it turned out I passed a procession of who was a procession to mark the local celebration of Corpus Christi. The real world began to move increasingly into the world of nirvana and get close to Tony Halik starting point in the Amazon River basin. After a long morning in August Juras reflection they realized that was possible, of course, in theory, is that ° is the disco and were not domowki rather, churches, and the guy from which you are silowal it could also be a priest ¨ :)))) From Baron's do not dowiedzielsimy the next day because his face after the liquor Map of cactus (a mysterious bimbrze) has such a bulge of the spoke. Besides, very rightly, at some point the two men split the roles, Baron pil for two of the lokalesami, and if something is happening Juras had them move out of the event:) It's fair to say that George with the Baron as the only really know what's good Rurrenabaque przydawalo later in Navigation on the outskirts of town. :)))


day later with a small, two-hour slide backpacks packed and loaded to the new boat which sailed to the west toward the high jungle. We had two sail boats, but you know - after all of Corpus Christi SHIP owners were so Nachle that there was no chance of any transport. Our slightly overloaded boat from immediately began leak, but our local guide ¨ Waldemar the Jungle Man ° - so he ordered to call:) system, rags and pins, as well as the optimal allocation of storage neutralized the spill (moreover, he had no other option).

views along the way were fantastycznee! No easy task, because the river shallow, and our route was leading against the current. Along the way we visited a family of Italy, yet Waldek, which enchanted me with its extraordinary beauty as big as my hand blue butterflies.

In several places we had przepychac boat, and one of them extract it to zero and move the supplies needed for the night in the jungle by land. In the end we got to the point where Waldemar the jungle man ordered the crossings. Malenka, almost invisible The path between tall trees led us to a clearing where we found our new, five-star hostel, whose operator was probably the Radisson SAS:)))

Well, I laid out mosquito nets, insects and drove the pre-first zaliczylismy trip to the jungle. The jungle here looks a little like the forests of the north island of New Zealandii, including the lack of giant kauri trees. is very low, probably somewhere in zroslach are pumas, and wild pigs. We cross a stream without a name by behaving in a measure quietly. The only thing before us is not running a tree-like Lord of the Rings enty-rolling. They move around 5cm a year and they look quite puzzling.

slowly getting darker, and Waldemar the jungle man stop at some small norc in the ground and begins to bury it hard to stick. Vigilant and see ... two black hairy legs! This mink tarantula. Somehow a little your interest in the output of light beam flashlights, because he has a small tarantulki. We will return to it at night:)))

Meanwhile ¨ ¨ dishes prepared a meal

We eat it like a savage tearing myself what better helmets. Night falls, loud, warm, sometimes hot. Hello chlpakow are selected on the night expedition, while I lie down in bed uncomfortable, where the bed rails stick August in the back. Close shutters cover themselves against megazukami syfem and others, who already started the attack on our sleeping bags. Sleep in the fresh air gives a tremendous relief. Meanwhile, the rest of the team is fighting hard in the jungle

other tarantulas are located on the leaves:

morning while getting up as one of the first idea over the river and completely naked ide swim and wash. One of the dreams of childhood, morning, a single bath in the heart of the jungle, I feel great. I'm going back to the camp and discovered that over my bed still sleeping peacefully five bats

while Martin, who got up right after I caught some sort of poisonous centipede, ¨ Cutlery • Ask breakfast, slowly awake to live with. Vision meal raises the boys. Last commemorative photos cleaning camp i. ..

and packed into the boat. This time the shock, drinking Johnny Walker of the metal bottle we get an inch an hour faster to Rurrenbaque.

is worth noting that next week, this time in the wilderness completely changed our approach to reality. We are cut off from Polish. To some distant memory ... Time is measured in days. When you sail somewhere, whether we go to we are only concerned whether the order will arrive before dusk or after dark. It is absolute peace and quiet ... maniana ..

Before departing for the airport LaPaz cut even with such a number we could easily include a few years for a Bolivian jail:))) oczywście as usual, we got away at dusk we fly to LaPaz .... with great regret we pack our stuff on the plane ...

and sleepy at night we get to LaPaz ...

Weekly Summary:

Asior on:

Baron for finding the anaconda

Martin for the bath with the pink dolphins (and alligators, too)

Pipa on:

Cone for being diagnosed with a gay Australian It its pobratymca. Is worth noting that in the second sequence was detected Patrick Swayze or Juras:)))

Baron litter per share ¨ ° - did not get out of the boat and had to be the stones I przepychac

of text was enough that even I am not able to quote their worth :))))) emphasize the Seba is a specialist in painting Dolf Lundgren :))))


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