Sunday, June 14, 2009

How Do Goiters Look Like

Day 9-11 or Boliwa and `no risk no fun` with the release of Furnace!

We are already in Bolivia. Traveled all day along the scenic coast of Lake Titikaka. Already a local bus trip itself is an experience, but apart from total clearance and drivers complete lack of punctuality day was excellent. On the bus we did little party where we have discussed in detail male female subjects over a bottle of Johnny Walker. Was established several new theorems np-cow who barks does not give milk (whatever that means). Even as we arrived we noticed no limits on the Peruvian-Bolivian who looks like some picnic. Przeslismy by three different funny or office where he was married We gave some bureaucratic forms and wrapped in August on the bus. A few kilometers to the border in the town of Copacabana we had a change to another bus and two hours - a recommendation Mirka stayed at a wonderful trout in the booth at the old Boliwijki.

food was absolutely fantastic, with half of that in Peru. Besides entering to Bolivia immediately strikes the eye is that this country is much poorer. Testify to this amazing even toilets, which, as usual, with enthusiasm and catalogs Seba visits (a series of photographs of the world lavatory ¨ ¨)
On our way to the world's highest capital city - La Paz, we still waited a ferry. Also unusual event, because the packed bus in the soap dish and some sort of miracle passed on to the other side.

After crossing we took in about four hours to the capital. And here, as usual, jumped Baron, from the end of civilization ¨, people shopping, that he feels the city has a partying souls, and not as shit as in Lima ¨. We did not believe his ears because of this mess long ago as in LaPaz not seen. Lima is at the LaPaz New York. Oven probably would have said, as usual, from ° Kudam it is not ¨, but the truth is from the Cairo probably is not even. The stench, noise, loitering, streets, spoojrzenia strange, strange people. About how wonderfully civilized is LaPAz in porownbaniu to Lima, signified by the fact that on the first evening we went to a walk in seven, with no money and cameras. About the LaPaz write after returning from the jungle, yet he'll be back. Suffice it to say that sorceror market, where you can buy potions for everything (from potency, which are unlikely to complain about the invisible :):):), immortality, happiness. All these extracts from the tooth, dog tongues, even dried llama embryos and other pets poprzerabiane the amulets sell. Macabre.

LaPaz unpacked in August at the hostel, we ate dinner favorite super surprises in the end we put the Juras (after thirteen approaches, he managed to close some important business in Poland) and went to sleep. The next morning, we waited quite a good adventure ...

Small digression - a few days of August prozumiewamy lokalesami only in Polish. Yes. Without gestures, but in full sentences such as: ¨ Sir, and then I reach the market, or "I asked for fried chicken, two beer, but without the fries, or "How much money ¨. And the best part is that in 80% of the time I get what you want! We noticed that even with the quieter they say, the more complex sentences and natural, the more efficient communication. Therefore delighted effectiveness (lokalesi moreover, they give us only after his theses, and somehow can reach the goals) of this method, we called it for eggs Measures for Callan ¨ So, as someone starts to ask in English, it is immediately reproved by the group that arranged affair Callan ¨ ¨ . I do not have to write unless they are mega eggs as advanced lokalesom phrases are transmitted in this way:) Oh ... Callan also operates in Bolivia! Already checked:)

... But back to the expedition - Today we did the next extra-curricular thing - an all-day downhill mountain biking, downhill so-called ¨ ¨ seemed to be sensational, but what happened has passed our expectations. Early morning we took away two trips around Poland and zawiozly LaPAz over to the starting calodziengo exit. We got super bikes, helmets and overalls. The first surprise was the differing heights and route. Note. We pulled the height of 4700m above sea level at the height of 1100m above sea level! Three thousand six hundred meters difference. Nearly sixty kilometers of mountain bike downhill!. Most of us was a laymen in this topic, ze oswiecono us, however, the route ato so-called death road ¨ ¨ and the downhill fanatics come to the LaPaz from around the world to include this congress! Again we made it. At the top it was cold as hell, I was wearing four shirts. Not just waited too long ruszilimsy the first part of the exit numbering about 10km asphalt road. Something amazing, we went cycling over 60km / h, even those which were ahead of a truck on the road. Finally got to the exit to a gravel road, we ate a candy bar and began a real slaughterhouse. Not enough of the trail winds its way all the time when the gap completely nieogrodzonej

This additive is narrow, I often intersect streams, twice in August also goes by thinning under a waterfall. After about an hour drive started to get really niewiesolo Muniowi because the hatch it went front wheel and the mower stopped helmet pebbles about 1.5 meters from cliff. Then the festival was already trouble. Dedki in circles went to seven people (at twelve, Baron was poisoned at the hotel and put ruinki) in this Muniowi, Tom, Martin, Piecowi, Wotkowi; Jurasowi, as well as our bicycle and even the pilot. Later, the event had Furnace, but it is below because I got for him on Pipe. We had to watch out przemocno. With every moment while the reward was getting warmer and nicer. Traveling by bicycle 60km took us half a day, a reward for effort was a cold beer and a shower (probably the last before the jungle) in the hotel at the end of the route. Views do not have to describe, paste pictures keel, which do not show even one-hundredth of what we experienced. The concentration of non-stop, huge as the bikes speed, risk, challenge. True male adventure! Were it not for these abysses I'd fall in love :):):)

evening we returned to the hotel for nearly four hours at a trail of death ¨. we know why the Lonely Planet I ° is called the most dangerous road on earth. It's not the point is that on average every two weeks to the precipice falls car. When we enter a minibus to happen to you, we took in the clouds (total mist) and darkness. In addition, non-stop driver zul coca leaves, so I take too much on the circumstances favorable to an accident. Luckily I'm already in LaPaz. Aha - the interest - below the picture from another autobustem where the center is painted Bin Laden. Well, every country has its customs:)))

Summary of the day:

Password to exit the dictionary: ¨ Pol-guide ° - our guide Miras, who pretends he does not know where you can buy the herb in LaPaz:)

Text of No.1: ¨ The Holy Spirit, knowing bravado Baron, he had it in his care and He loosened sphincter ° (Juras of Baron who due to diarrhea after dining in ° mega civilized LaPaz ¨ Full Day madness had to forgive the next day on the bikes. I probably only still alive thanks to this)

Text of no.2: ¨ A little less than a friend, but a little deeper ° (Tom explaining complicated relationship between him and one of his former colleagues)

Ninja day (it's not the same as asior:) Muniu, perhaps, for it had enabled immortality when his bicycle accident. And for whom wszystkjich boys shot the tires (front especial!) During the congress.

Pipa Day: Furnace, but the downhill was raging on, and when he warned National deviations liability risk no fun ¨. Fifteen seconds later, had a front somersault by the handlebars, luckily not to the precipice, and the wall. Sore had to go further by car, and even taking into account the fact that the last stretch of road traveled on our own - remains of Pipa, bruises, moreover, also:)

It's Sunday evening. Tomorrow morning (guess which:) head for five days to the jungle. Backpacks packed in them only the bare essentials. Since yesterday, we do not eat sweet nothing in order to reduce the attractiveness to mosquitoes. In the morning we fly some vile kukuryznikiem and lands on the grassy airfield in the heart of the jungle. Will hardcore. We sleep in huts or houses on stilts, are moving the boat, we will be looking for some night anacondas, kompac August with pink dolphins, alligators and the tropic jungle peep other pets. Next blog probably for about 5 days. We will be completely cut off from civilization - heh, you probably need it in the end I do my favorite knife :):):)


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