Friday, June 12, 2009

Wart Like Sore In Knuckle

Day 5-7 Colca Canyon that is because every day we are jebnieci get up at night 2giej!

in Arequipa after eating guinea pigs we went in search of nocturnal attractions which gave no major rezutatow. Polozylismysie 11tej sleep about one hour, after the fast drinks on the roof of our hotel. Only to be counted toward a ** wake of 2giej wnocy. The digressions I can say that about us slowly starts to sweat a little, because for 7 nights only once had to get up with no second or third week. The plan of the expedition is so intense that it would normally do in five weeks we do in three. Seba wszytkim obviously knew about, but it was difficult for zamotal read it in the program. Well, we have a full ride ...

club .. "get up here the other night," met with the difficulty of 2.30 and a small minibus wyruszyismy wkierunku Colca Canyon. After five hours of night driving (we froze windows from the outside), the way a zaliczyismy read messages about 4600m above sea level and at dawn we reached the outskirts of the canyon najgebszego world. Breakfast 'in the local village, the last shopping liters of water per Full Day march in the heat and we went dwudziestokilometrowa goose trail to the bottom of the canyon. difficult route, although that day we waited mainly descent and a few steep sections approaches. After forgotten the way we pass through the world a village of several houses. A narrow path leads through the tropical bush, and borders on one side of a tiny stream, while the other farm with stone gossip here and there dotted with minor furteczkami ujadjacym dog. In one village we stop to rest and meal, after an hour mysimy climb the mountain in a further journey into the canyon, to the tropical oasis where we spend the night. I hope to get to dusk. We pass the last rope bridge, and unpack their belongings in the huts, huts actually. Without the walls, with only babmusa wygrodzone not experienced even the little houses floor, awkwardly adjusted only piece of land, usually concave. After four bunks, of course, without electricity, water from a river. The undeniable amenities is certainly a swimming pool, who daily napelnany water from the river is swollen legs and our bodies odparzonych absolute godsend. At night, our Peruvian przzewodnik to facilitate kontattu who got the nickname "condor" is preparing a wonderful dinner for us - I do not think so hungry jestesy whether the guy is in top form but the cooking of meat and vegetables Alpacas tastes so fantastic. Cup rum and cola, and before eight o'clock evening, and two hours after dark we fall as dead in our sleeping bags on bunks ...

Night in Colca is incredible. Somewhere massive canyon walls on one side scares, and other fascinating. The oasis is kilkaukochanych przezemnie palm trees, which always, even in ciemonosci, remind me of the holiday season. The biggest impression, however, makes the sky I see the southern hemisphere which for the fourth time in my life. Sky clear from the millions of stars, it is clear ribbon of the Milky Way. And just over the horizon rises majestically in the Southern Cross. I always wanted to see it, and my dream came true in 2005 during an expedition to Zimbabwe. From childhood to remind me of the exotic, tales of explorers and pirates, with the greatest adventure. Today it is again with us. Note that it uses in order to show the boys how to use it to calculate the world. I marvel for a moment, "okolicznosciakmi nature", he wants to remember them well. Palm trees + Southern Cross ... floating away ...

Another day begins after five hours (!) In the middle of the night (for which you guess:). We assume a very warm things, headlamps on hats, drink coca tea and ruszaamy the steepest approach in life. Today we have a task to get out of the canyon, but the trail is an ultra-steep - we have to overcome differences 1.2 km vertically.! And we have to do it at night, because apparently as the sun is warm on the conditions are unbearable. Fires flashlight and start climbing. O k ** wa ...

... it's damn hard. Group extends very quickly, in front of Tom's tireless power, somewhere behind the person who previously had problems with the approaches, now suffering even more. High Moon is upon us. The gray rocks with unearthly shadows. Landscape as the underworld, I feel like Frodo going through Mordor. Sweat pours from his forehead, and one-third of the route still assume the additional fleece because it is getting increasingly colder. I look again and again in the gore, I see over one another latareczke tabiego, somewhere in the distance is Tom. I hear behind him Gilbert, Sebe, Martin. But in order to locate them on the winding road you have to stop what I am doing, unfortunately, quite often, because of the altitude it feels like to air thins. It is getting harder to catch my breath. The only positive is with every bottle of water drunk backpack is getting increasingly lighter. Lest they lose strength and concentration eat energy gels and bars, although it helps a little. Climbing seems to have no end. At some point I look down and see almost podsoba few lights, those guys are fighting bravely. It's getting gray ... not yet dawn, niebrzask even more promise of the day. Once you have thought that the road will end in August did not see the outline of the trees on the ridge. Going before me Martin ensures that this is the end of the climb. Indeed, a few moments and see the spiowry of covered boys. Tom bylpierwszy (ca superAsiora what gets the day), is also Seba, Martin and Juras. Moments later, another small group appears. We look forward to the rest. Quickly turns out Muniu not given because the council enters into the ass (had a big luck because it happened to some peasant passing by and came to terms for transport up the last section of the third tour for a symbolic 20 salt) The climbers ostatnioch opatuleni in sleeping bags waiting for an hour. It is so cold with shirts drying on bushes, frozen, like water in a stream who mijami. Swit. We go to a nearby village for breakfast, cold, exhausted, hungry ... the day has only just begin.

Our bestiality reaches the next level. We are inches and then covered in dust. Many of us have blisters, but if these are natural questions related to the expedition. We meet in August with how someone will be too much then we will be a stink about it openly say:) However, our psyche is tired the next entertainment - on the square gathered in the village of ten dogs, a little awkward fight for female (two dogs in general in this case jakwidac climb with us and with the same Oasis!) Overall napierdalanka, a fan who is out to get me a dog that looks like a plush Chewbacca, or Local mongrel about nicknamed "Rambo." A total intellectual savagery :))))

After breakfast we set a double to the south to Puno. Along the way we see majestic condors circling scales. Great satisfaction May those who market with each other through the whole expedition telephoto. In the middle of the day we stop at the hot springs. Bathing is like salvation and the greatest reward! Our guide Mirek has a mega bonus at all:). To water (with a reason to ** "hihienicznych) Baron does not come only from the Juras. Even though we do not want to nominate them for the pipe "because of their hands fall down:) Though on the other hand-no one forced anyone to do anything will not be a tymbardziej for pleasure.

we go further scenic route which, unless the mountains on the horizon like the Australian wilderness. Road drag on, but most of us in autobusiku odsypia, and I use this time to prepare for another blog entry. To Puno on Lake Tititaca pozmroku reach. It looks malofajnie, can see the poor south. Dotego glass and stones in the streets because the city all day were a riot. We reach the hotel from the outside who looks like the fear of being afraid, and inside turns out to be downright fabulous. We do laundry and we fall. Tomorrow, the whole on the lake and the chance of staying overnight in August ... in the end.

quick summary of:

text of "whether or not it was better to sleep than to zapierdalać uphill to watch the pelicans (Baron of the trip to watching the condors)

asior on: tomek for entrance without interruption on the gore and
juras for four cactus spines in the ass (I sat on him tired after the climb).

pipa on: Muniu to rent a donkey during the trekking:)

For general information - today, our last full day in Peru. From the lakes already Tititaca we move to Bolivia. Marks the first week of the expedition, and again a week the most civilized. In Bolivia, we will sail boat for 5 days through the jungle, We will also traveled three days through the desert jeeps. Moral of this so the blog entries will appear irregularly due to shades of civilization. Aha-a-jezcze in preparing entries for the mega-blog helps me Gilbert! Thanks!


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