Monday, August 21, 2006

What Something Cute To Text To A Guy

Mt. Rushmore, South Dakota

Next stop during our journeys through mountain was called Mt. Rushmore. It may not necessarily associate the name people, but this is where a group of people under the command of a Danish immigrant had a special penchant for blasting rock with dynamite. So they enjoy it, with over 14 years (6.5 of the actual work - was missing sometimes money to continue the project) have worked on this unknown to anyone gora. In 1941, finally showed the world what you have:

Apparently 90% of the work was already done with dynamite, and the rest a variety of pneumatic drills and so on. Great fun, no?

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. It is noteworthy that Roosevelt has glasses, what you really did not throw in the face:

A mandatory pics here Family of President s:


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