Wednesday, December 27, 2006 Proxy

Well, there's nothing like a nice evening spent on spilling three different types of wines. These wines did in August for the past 3 months, so that it is such a culmination of this long process. Today zabutelkowalismy Cabernet Shiraz, Barolo and Merlot.

Both of Danu we are followers of the red dry wines. Our perennial favorite types already are Pinot Noir (even been a few bottles from the previous wave - we came out superbly), Cabernet Sauvignon (slightly less fruity bouquet, but great for Italian dishes), Merlot, Shiraz and Italian Barolo and Amarone types and also the French Vieux Chateau du Roi (ie it literally: the old King's castle).

also bought the next three sets and no fermentation will begin tomorrow, South African Pinotage (a variety of Pinot Noir), Chilean Malbec and Grenache Syrah French mourvedre. Nothing like a week to sit down to a film with a fine wine ...

And here today the production, which has a character vertically until tomorrow, and then it will go the bottle on the polka in the basement, where they will lezakowaly horyzonalnie that plugs remained wet.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Where To Get Nunchucks In North Carolina

skating test

Lila yesterday chased for 500 and 1500 meters. Had done pretty zyciowki - 43.06 in the 500 and 2:14.05. Photos only three, and perhaps not the best quality, but always something.

Here Lila already enters the first gap after the opening of the 500th It should be noted that this girl who is too present in this moment that Shannon Sibold, which is in the frame of Canada. It is older than 10 years from Lili. True, she specializes in long distances, but lacked a little Lili, lest I "check" yesterday. Skates can see perfectly well what a "flap" performs - Lila ends with a reflection of her leg and heel already goes to the top, but the skid is still in contact with ice. The introduction of such equipment in the skating took place in 1997 and has completely revolutionized the sport.

At the finish the order, unfortunately, have already turned, but lost the very little Lila.

And here Arturek took a picture as Lila were traveling at 1500m. Quite nice swing, that she could be slightly closer to the pads.

Pokemon Diamond Cydia

views from the windows

Since we changed the house (already almost 2 years ago), we have a very pleasant sight, as we are on the hot and we did a city beneath them. For this reason we observe an interesting atmospheric phenomena, such as, for example, is still in September:

And here already in October, I managed to catch a pretty good sunrise over the city center.

already here and pics from yesterday (23 December) when in the throes of przedswiatecznego cleaning the house I noticed an interesting light.

As you can see in this picture, you do not have much snow in the city, but 100 miles away in the mountains skiing is a revelation.

in this picture, however, when fast to a man stare it can see the roof of the track skating in Calgary. We were there earlier yesterday, when Lila August chased the two distances. This colorful building at the front is a newly opened children's hospital. The track skating (Olympic Oval), then this black spot just above the Children's Hospital. On the track in a straight line (I measured on Google Earth), we have less than 4 km, but the car is going to be very and zigzagging around. Then the distance is 13 km.

Addition 30 April:

recently did three other photos, which are very interesting, and as a fit with the theme here, I also put it here.

Once in a while, unfortunately, rarely, an unusual phenomenon happens when our house is located above the ceiling of clouds in the valley. Here, I even managed to capture the sunrise with a bonus. :)

Other photo of this beautiful morning.

here but a few days We observed a week later, the grass fires in the Nose Hill Park, which is it is already on these hills on the horizon in the previous picture. Firefighters quickly enough to deal with it before we'll Danusia We dealt with a bottle of our house wine.

Maybelline Mousse Coupons

Maly getaway ski trip

last weekend to jump at the village of Kimberley in the neighboring provinces - British Columbia. This is a piece of the road (400 km) and to be honest with myself I would rather not bought the property the weekend. But do not imagine a ride of 4 hours (in good traffic) at a site after it there in order to spend two (or three for a long weekend) nights. In this way, in most weenendy spend my boss and his wife. There already have a weekend cottage and we stayed with them this time. Town

very picturesque and pleasant - the economy 10 years ago, was based primarily on the coal mine, not less but now already closed and the city in August returned, much to the front of tourists. Stok narciaski pretty good and pleasant conditions Snow Report gives us a nice moments.

This Danusia Lila at the top of the top in the Kimberley.

Arthur And here (the only family member on one board) already starts to fight the clasp at the top of the ski bindings.

Arthur supply of the dollars.

And the view from the window, greeted us on Sunday morning. Well with the winter because the summer is it there you can often come across the bear, and it be little. Not kidding ...

Can Shingles Start Around Ankle?


In late August, it occurred to us one evening over a beer, it might not include some would be bad this year jedenastotysiecznik (11000 stop = 3353 m). As we know, this is their in our Canadian Rockies 53rd In my counter at the figure standing 10 wydawolo August, the fitting can tweak it a bit counter.

choice fell on top of Mt. Willingdon - 3373 m. Gorka niezla myself so much as a bit distant. We know these teams did in the gore 2 (at best), and most of 3 days. We, however, in our traditional style, was planned to include these Gorke below 24 hours. Unfortunately, after navigating a rather serious error, when made up for the 5 km in the wrong direction, I found that it makes no sense to continue. And so we had a very busy schedule as for this day. For this reason, we turned back and after receipt of the car at 10 am (after passing the 15 km walk - OK, maybe not quite "walking") decided to saturate our hunger mountanneous already something rather simpler.

We arrived by car to Lake Louise and a fairly rapid pace we went to Mt. Fairview - 2,744 m. At the top of many tourists and it is in most non-Canadians. When you exit up the hill all the three of them quite pleasant zaliczylismy nap. After we took some photos przebudziniu well and back home.

That's me right after waking up from Mt. Victoria (3,453 m) in the background

A title is a view of the lake Lake Louise so much as a bit in advance. Illustrious Chateau Lake Louise is not visible in the picture below - Fairview slopes obscures the right side.

Troika Polish musketeers - Leszek, Maciek and me before starting to return home.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Unlock Channels Dvbdream

Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, and the rest

After completing what was worth PLN parts of Wyoming and western part Pld. Dakota we went to Yellowstone again. It is a national park located in most of Wyoming, but his small part is also in Montana. We were in the park for a whole week in August 2003, so that everything was still fresh in memory. Nevertheless, it was worth to go there again.

the way we stayed in a small town Cody, where, moreover, Danusia rescued me out of trouble when he stopped me deputy sheriff for passing a red light. In total, the case was marginal, because the lights have changed when I was in the middle of the intersection. A police officer, despite the fact it was the middle of the day in the center of the town, approached me from behind his hand on the holster was hardly rubbing against our van. But when the saw has to do with the family with two children, is it a bit zrelaksowal. Danu smiled at him and convinced him that it was her fault, however, (despite that I was guided), because of the kind she dared me to ride on a yellow light. A police officer nevertheless took my driver's license and checked the computer and sometimes they do not have my name anywhere in the United States arrest warrant. When he became convinced that hardly I had to deal with the law as much as before, let us with a warning without a mandate.

On the outskirts of the town of Cody is such a nice lagoon:

When we arrived in Yellowstone, a park at the eastern gate welcomed us with bison.

Campsite in the park is very cool, but of course, everything can be eaten or drunk has to be buried at night in the car - Everybody was in the cubs fairly large extent. We have succeeded - only wolves howled at night, and it is even very close. Because of this, the park is largely at an altitude of over 2300 meters, the night was extremely cold. August Poubieralismy all pretty tight, but it's all in the legs zmarlzismy - the temperature at night fell to 0 degrees.

Pozdwiedzalismy also the second time these basic space of the park. Here we are so near. Fishing Cone (Fisherman's cone). From there also sometimes geyser erupts, despite the fact that the cone is already in a cold lake.

One of the many sources in a beautiful park, Yellowstone - the temperature is 80 degrees Celsius, so I suggest do not swim in there despite the visually appealing:

None visit to Yellowstone would not be complete without a pass Old Faithful - the most regular of the larger geysers. His name (Old Faithful) suggests, moreover, just such behavior. In fact, the Park Service to fly every hour of the eruption when the next eruption will happen with an accuracy of up to 10 minutes in both directions. Currently, this geyser erupts about every 94 minutes. Here are just waiting for the explosion:

And here Old Faithful just shows us (and even with 1000 other people) what you can do:

Our other favorite place in the park is FireHole River (the Fire Hole River - if so, you can translate.) This river would be awfully cold, were it not for the km above the river flows into the vast amount of water from the geysers and a few strong sources. So that you can swim there very nicely. In this photo can not see, but up the river (left side) is of paramount narrowing canyon and there great leaps into the river and flows down between the steep rock walls in a strong current.

zaliczylismy After swim so well. mud pots - boilers with mud. Famously when it looks like mud reveal bubbles and break every moment. Scientific explanation of this fact is that when there is so much water, but it is hydrogen sulfide (H2S), there arises sulfuric acid (H2SO4). This acid dissolves the rock around the tiny particles. The result is that by the thick mud to squeeze water from the bottom, which makes this an unforgettable sight as if boiling mud.

with Arthur near another smaller geyser (Clepsydra Gayser).

against the so-called Lila. bacteria mats - Bacterial mattresses. Just the hot water running wide stream creates a uniquely great place to live to various microorganisms. The result is this interesting brick-red color.

over FireHole River, so much as slightly above the place where he bathed earlier the same day.

the next day Arthur apart from other places with boiling mud.

And here our family on the background of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone with a waterfall at altitudes 1992 m. Despite this sounding name, but this canyon is very negligible in comparison to the Grand Canyon Arizona, who did such an impression on us three years ago.

Another photo of the canyon.

And later that day we went for a walk in the mountains and zaliczylismy Gorke those in the photo - Mt. Washburn (3122 m). I know that the height is nice, but it was just a walk. I've been on many mountains in our colder Canadian Rocky Mountains, which required a much bigger effort.

At the top of the kids.

And here Danusia marching with the kids to go down.

yet the same day we went to the house (we arrived at 3 am the next day - Red Bull rules!). And many of our holidays in the United States in 2006. In the next year or Alaska or Colorado ...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

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Wind Cave, Jewel Cave and vicinity, South Dakota

After Mt. Rushmore still remained in the area and there we saw two caves - Wind Cave and Jewel Cave (windy and jewels). Both had interesting things to offer. They were also pretty cool - around 8-10 degrees Celsius.

Few pics of the caves:

And here's this little curiosity: this area has a lot of Ponderosa Pine trees called (a type of pine) - May they smell of vanilla. Here we Lile napawajaca August this aroma.

Monday, August 21, 2006

What Something Cute To Text To A Guy

Mt. Rushmore, South Dakota

Next stop during our journeys through mountain was called Mt. Rushmore. It may not necessarily associate the name people, but this is where a group of people under the command of a Danish immigrant had a special penchant for blasting rock with dynamite. So they enjoy it, with over 14 years (6.5 of the actual work - was missing sometimes money to continue the project) have worked on this unknown to anyone gora. In 1941, finally showed the world what you have:

Apparently 90% of the work was already done with dynamite, and the rest a variety of pneumatic drills and so on. Great fun, no?

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. It is noteworthy that Roosevelt has glasses, what you really did not throw in the face:

A mandatory pics here Family of President s: