Sunday, December 24, 2006

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Maly getaway ski trip

last weekend to jump at the village of Kimberley in the neighboring provinces - British Columbia. This is a piece of the road (400 km) and to be honest with myself I would rather not bought the property the weekend. But do not imagine a ride of 4 hours (in good traffic) at a site after it there in order to spend two (or three for a long weekend) nights. In this way, in most weenendy spend my boss and his wife. There already have a weekend cottage and we stayed with them this time. Town

very picturesque and pleasant - the economy 10 years ago, was based primarily on the coal mine, not less but now already closed and the city in August returned, much to the front of tourists. Stok narciaski pretty good and pleasant conditions Snow Report gives us a nice moments.

This Danusia Lila at the top of the top in the Kimberley.

Arthur And here (the only family member on one board) already starts to fight the clasp at the top of the ski bindings.

Arthur supply of the dollars.

And the view from the window, greeted us on Sunday morning. Well with the winter because the summer is it there you can often come across the bear, and it be little. Not kidding ...


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