Sunday, December 24, 2006

Pokemon Diamond Cydia

views from the windows

Since we changed the house (already almost 2 years ago), we have a very pleasant sight, as we are on the hot and we did a city beneath them. For this reason we observe an interesting atmospheric phenomena, such as, for example, is still in September:

And here already in October, I managed to catch a pretty good sunrise over the city center.

already here and pics from yesterday (23 December) when in the throes of przedswiatecznego cleaning the house I noticed an interesting light.

As you can see in this picture, you do not have much snow in the city, but 100 miles away in the mountains skiing is a revelation.

in this picture, however, when fast to a man stare it can see the roof of the track skating in Calgary. We were there earlier yesterday, when Lila August chased the two distances. This colorful building at the front is a newly opened children's hospital. The track skating (Olympic Oval), then this black spot just above the Children's Hospital. On the track in a straight line (I measured on Google Earth), we have less than 4 km, but the car is going to be very and zigzagging around. Then the distance is 13 km.

Addition 30 April:

recently did three other photos, which are very interesting, and as a fit with the theme here, I also put it here.

Once in a while, unfortunately, rarely, an unusual phenomenon happens when our house is located above the ceiling of clouds in the valley. Here, I even managed to capture the sunrise with a bonus. :)

Other photo of this beautiful morning.

here but a few days We observed a week later, the grass fires in the Nose Hill Park, which is it is already on these hills on the horizon in the previous picture. Firefighters quickly enough to deal with it before we'll Danusia We dealt with a bottle of our house wine.


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