Monday, February 21, 2011

Bounce Round Sams Clu

Kinderbal Princess Sonia - Sonia has four years

Sonia is an adult, but I'm still older, I can not understand Sonia ... "Why Niko was born first?" It fascinates my sister ... her dad explained that the reason that Sonia had an older brother. but did not convince her that much.
Sonia has been 4 years. and beautifully says, "sz", "cz", "Z" and "Open" [I say better - not boasting - and still Sonya improve, says that bad ... or - at worst - Twisted lyrics ... it just mentally torturing her, because I can not tolerate this, after all!].
to that Sonia is a ballerina who turns into a pirate, dances, sings and is still talking, talking and talking ...
yesterday celebrated the birthday of Sonia, together with her colleagues from the nursery. The event was excellent, thanks to the wonderful Aunt Agnes, who prepared and led a fantastic fun. Children - and I among them - were playing superbly ... it tasted delectable dishes from my mom, who made a wonderful cake galaretkowy with strawberries [as you wish jubilatki who ultimately resigned from the consumption of these strawberries ...], and this chocolate muffins. objadłem specifically, in the end not to waste such a delicacy.

sonia pirate


this morning I shared with Sonia it presents. Sonia in her good nature and generosity of giving away her gifts to me, but I awanturowałem that I want other petszopki than she gives me ...


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