Sunday, February 27, 2011

Should I Wax Car Myself

Princess Sonia
we have this the great privilege of living under one roof with Princess Sonia, who yesterday gave us an audience at a family event designed to celebrate its fourth birthday.
guests and entourage were welcomed with coffee, wine, cakes and cream pie. personally likes the apple pie, although I must admit that I withdrew from the congregation to give up in the solitude of his passion and hastily made two sets of Lego, which was generously endowed. Princess Sonia
awaited carnival ball, and again was disappointed that he did not take place. However, neither I nor my mother, neither the father nor any of our family guests not dressed up to show the cook on the aforementioned ball. so the ball again, it was not ...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Bounce Round Sams Clu

Kinderbal Princess Sonia - Sonia has four years

Sonia is an adult, but I'm still older, I can not understand Sonia ... "Why Niko was born first?" It fascinates my sister ... her dad explained that the reason that Sonia had an older brother. but did not convince her that much.
Sonia has been 4 years. and beautifully says, "sz", "cz", "Z" and "Open" [I say better - not boasting - and still Sonya improve, says that bad ... or - at worst - Twisted lyrics ... it just mentally torturing her, because I can not tolerate this, after all!].
to that Sonia is a ballerina who turns into a pirate, dances, sings and is still talking, talking and talking ...
yesterday celebrated the birthday of Sonia, together with her colleagues from the nursery. The event was excellent, thanks to the wonderful Aunt Agnes, who prepared and led a fantastic fun. Children - and I among them - were playing superbly ... it tasted delectable dishes from my mom, who made a wonderful cake galaretkowy with strawberries [as you wish jubilatki who ultimately resigned from the consumption of these strawberries ...], and this chocolate muffins. objadłem specifically, in the end not to waste such a delicacy.

sonia pirate


this morning I shared with Sonia it presents. Sonia in her good nature and generosity of giving away her gifts to me, but I awanturowałem that I want other petszopki than she gives me ...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Dormowy Hosting Bez Reklam

operation "tooth"

fairly easy to infer what was the scenario this evening.
a clove nodded and nodded and nodded and I decided that I need to get rid of it. no i got rid of using the sewing threads and dad.
my box on the teeth expanded its contents. the first joined the second tooth tooth :-)

boy with the tooth in front of [even with a few]

boy with the thread

boy without a tooth in the front [or even two]

after surgery ...
also wants to participate in the life of the dental and already has its own pink box on the teeth ... but still empty.
sonia with teeth

How To Hook A Remote Wire To A Cd Deck

shanties, and appearances

team Pothole
finally, it is anticipated that day, a concert of sea shanties where our pre-school team could Pothole once again to occur. I did not want the stage to present his soul, But the morning but buying jeans that were an integral part of my richly decorated dress, picked up my motivation high enough that it did not resist. actually quite happy I took part ... though my colleague from the left [Susan] was extraordinary pressure on the microphone and eliminated me from the vocal occurrence. I do not blame her, not really know the text ... choreography knew better, after all ... :-)


away from the microphone

met Neptune

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How Do Tom And Bill Feel About Incest

Ludka Gull and I

but it Ludka-Gull was happy and good and modest .... a veritable treasure of the royal!

sonia Gull

I vs. glutoplazma


Ludek Laughing she was sick and weak ... like a frog ... what it was weak ... Sonia spoke to a very this Brzechwa ... Fortunately, Sonia has returned to top form, so I can treat it normally.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cartman Sounded Different

dear dear grandpa grandma

how are you?
everyone you love, everyone you welcome, in our midst ....

Soniutka his group

Soniutka with Ms. Monica

Sonia Basia

Sonia and Nela

gorge ourselves with Philip to the max

we played for our grandparents and babciów.
my performances are also immortalized somewhere, but not yet in virtual reality.
until then - as above - sonia ...
... Sonia has no exceptional sentence about himself, "I'm the queen. a great queen."
... and standing [at the moment] the mirror, toning the face, making an attractive ballet figures, sighs ... "But I am beautiful !!!"...
there's nothing like modesty