Sunday, December 27, 2009

Putting Wallpaper On Kitchen Counters

More about Russia

It is a paradox, but claims to be a superpower Russia risks long stretch in its current form.

Late last month, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev made a startling confession . Speaking at a meeting on socio-economic development in Kamchatka , he said: "If we do not activate this work [in Russian Far East], then we eventually just can lose everything ".

Words Medvedev give fear of Russian leaders before that their country might fall apart. What are the causes?

Territory wishing to secede
The most recent reminder of the inherent instability in Russia is Chechnya.

size of the country
It should be noted that the size of Russia and of themselves are a destabilizing factor. This is the largest country in the world. Geographic location of the capital is not conducive to public administration. Moscow, located in the western part of Russia, separated from its eastern borders of the 8 thousand kilometers.
appalling state of infrastructure in the country even more difficult to manage such a vast territory.
lack of a unified and coherent infrastructure and appropriate isolation of the region is exacerbated because of the inadequacy of communication networks.

diverse population
More one major problem - it's part of the Russian population. It is obvious that by virtue of its vast extent of country, this is home to a variety of peoples. In total there are over 120 different ethnic groups - each with its own language.

Medvedev's speech in Kamchatka showed how The Kremlin strongly concerned about the possible disintegration of the country apart. Here's how his speech, told the Russian news service RBC News: "Even the unshakable from the viewpoint of an ordinary man sometimes things come to an end a very dramatic way "- he said [ Medvedev ], referring to the collapse of the Soviet Union . Inaction will lead to irreversible consequences, and they come very quickly, the president said, calling on officials to act actively ".

This paradox But Russia, which claims to superpower status, has no chance to reach in its present form for very long.

Kolmayer Vasko (Vasko Kohlmayer) , Front Page Magazine


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