Thursday, December 24, 2009

How Long Do Cigarettes Stay Fresh Sealed

whether there will be a new accident SSHGES?

So - there are very few to the cherished date of December 26, 2009, when the assurances of the participants battles psychics should happen a new accident at the power plant.

This is a favorite theme in the last couple of months, at the end of the day in our office.
At least every week pop up new "facts" of this type (direct see link below): Due to the ice fell crane that stands apart from the spillway. UZHOS! What, then, with the very spillways?
Main scare nafig think - how can that crane fell, and his legs are?
It's like an overloaded truck would have fallen on its side, but the wheels remained inviolate stand still!

Well, more to the point happens or not, as proudly say "psychics", whispered housewife and grandmother of votes?

then I think there is - does not happen, at least If not this year.

A ekstrsensy "if we could at least occasionally something to guess with probability different from srednestaticheskoy - certainly would buy the winning raffle tickets and live in wealth.


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