Sunday, December 27, 2009

Putting Wallpaper On Kitchen Counters

More about Russia

It is a paradox, but claims to be a superpower Russia risks long stretch in its current form.

Late last month, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev made a startling confession . Speaking at a meeting on socio-economic development in Kamchatka , he said: "If we do not activate this work [in Russian Far East], then we eventually just can lose everything ".

Words Medvedev give fear of Russian leaders before that their country might fall apart. What are the causes?

Territory wishing to secede
The most recent reminder of the inherent instability in Russia is Chechnya.

size of the country
It should be noted that the size of Russia and of themselves are a destabilizing factor. This is the largest country in the world. Geographic location of the capital is not conducive to public administration. Moscow, located in the western part of Russia, separated from its eastern borders of the 8 thousand kilometers.
appalling state of infrastructure in the country even more difficult to manage such a vast territory.
lack of a unified and coherent infrastructure and appropriate isolation of the region is exacerbated because of the inadequacy of communication networks.

diverse population
More one major problem - it's part of the Russian population. It is obvious that by virtue of its vast extent of country, this is home to a variety of peoples. In total there are over 120 different ethnic groups - each with its own language.

Medvedev's speech in Kamchatka showed how The Kremlin strongly concerned about the possible disintegration of the country apart. Here's how his speech, told the Russian news service RBC News: "Even the unshakable from the viewpoint of an ordinary man sometimes things come to an end a very dramatic way "- he said [ Medvedev ], referring to the collapse of the Soviet Union . Inaction will lead to irreversible consequences, and they come very quickly, the president said, calling on officials to act actively ".

This paradox But Russia, which claims to superpower status, has no chance to reach in its present form for very long.

Kolmayer Vasko (Vasko Kohlmayer) , Front Page Magazine

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Free Plans Outdoor Furnace

About Russia

Question - And many more Russia can exist in its present status and the borders? Will survive more than 20-30 years?

now restrains only the enemies of Russia nuclear weapons, which the new is made, the old is gradually becoming obsolete after 30 years of the 1000 missiles will take off on the strength of 2-3. In addition, almost disappeared patriotism - young people consider it their duty to hang from the army and not serve it. (The officer greeted with a group of recruits - "Hello tovarischschi morons ", and says -" If it were not morons - have managed to hang! ").
way, military service can be compared with subbotnik at work - seems to be also completely lost time during which no one will pay, but because what is good to eat?

Production in Russia, you know what - no pancake! Especially revealing Automotive industry - automobile plants (despite the insane monetary injections) produce or outdated still under development TK s and the other bucket of bolts, or
collect prodution Korean model.

One of these "beauties":
And yes, yes - there is still a focus shmokusy and Toyota-uety which 99% are from imported detalek and build quality are far from the Chinese.

KAMAZ over 30 years of existence did not bother to make a new cab - why, because and so are buying. But hell - of new trucks on the roads anymore Banach, photons, and FAVOV than KAMAZ.
our buses at all in deep th m operator underground Our PAZ s and LiAZ s even in comparison with SHUCHI YTK lose everything, not to mention about any neoplanah.

new military equipment NO! All "new" development were made before 1990. All samples of new techniques exist in single copies - only to please the eye the country's leadership during the exhibitions.

now about people - people do not have something, too! No - there are rednecks. The mass that day looks Margot, decimated by the army, buys coursework / degrees (if you can not find finished in the internet) - is present. But the people who invent something that makes your hands for something unique - no. There are, of course, a little bit - but less than in any other country (maybe except Somalia and Afghanistan).
And then there are civil servants of different ranks of executives who have a monthly salary of 50 sput. chic Apartments / holiday homes / cars BRABUS / yacht / villa in Spain, etc. Do you think they steal? Nichrome - they usually have wives successful businessmen - all pancake urban construction Tenders win ...

And what conclusion? But no!
Reread Lefty - fashionable product, among other things, even a cartoon. 1800 a year, but all the same - Manuf backward, around the darkness and drunkenness, from which Lefty eventually died. Sam Lefty (folk hero bln!) Done? - Savvy flea! In cool - the British crown made microscopic fleas that can jump, dance and bring joy to others the wonders of advanced technology.
Russian the same man showed the world their cool - unfortunate podkval toy, after which she ceased to jump / dance, but were pleased with Russian - CAN, bln! This
a rustic tyuninh - take Nissan Skyline and modify it - raising the ass on the 20-25cm. (Such as for improved ground clearance and appearance), sticking cataphotes more and different labels to heap-xXx, Schumacher, throw in the trunk uslitel to 1000W Subwoofer and thicker. Everything! Yaponcheskaya flea savvy, you can now proudly defile the native muhosransku - all guys are jealous, all the girls want to ride.
A founder of fun - Lefty - we remember, we are proud.

So if in 200 years nothing has changed - Russia may yet hold out 200-300 years rather than 20-30?
HZ - can and will stretch ...

How Much Does The Dog Morning After Pill

More on SSHGES

So today is December 27. Predicted accident at the power plant has not happened.

1. Sayano-Shushenskaya GES indestructible! (yet, anyway)
2. All predictors - liars and lohopudeli! (again, as long as their predictions are not randomly come true - was fulfilled to some - it is necessary to do a lot of predictions)!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

How Long Do Cigarettes Stay Fresh Sealed

whether there will be a new accident SSHGES?

So - there are very few to the cherished date of December 26, 2009, when the assurances of the participants battles psychics should happen a new accident at the power plant.

This is a favorite theme in the last couple of months, at the end of the day in our office.
At least every week pop up new "facts" of this type (direct see link below): Due to the ice fell crane that stands apart from the spillway. UZHOS! What, then, with the very spillways?
Main scare nafig think - how can that crane fell, and his legs are?
It's like an overloaded truck would have fallen on its side, but the wheels remained inviolate stand still!

Well, more to the point happens or not, as proudly say "psychics", whispered housewife and grandmother of votes?

then I think there is - does not happen, at least If not this year.

A ekstrsensy "if we could at least occasionally something to guess with probability different from srednestaticheskoy - certainly would buy the winning raffle tickets and live in wealth.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Persuasive Essay On Breas

Escape Clause:)