Saturday, July 22, 2006

Indian Receptionhairstyles

Cycling fun

summer, and there has been only 1.5 month to the beginning of the season skating. Fear think, so I had to be not ready. And here, meanwhile, after a visit to Poland ended two months ago, a man can not get to each of the weight. Gee, after the arrival of Polish weighed 100 kg, so the firm away from its intended weight. Polish food (very tasty, a fact) that are not famous for its low amount of fat, exceptionally wybilo me with balance. By month in the Polish food restaurants and a small amount of traffic, so it had to finish.

As of this fact, spoke of his weight class war, but I had and the better and worse days. At this time, had already reached up to 95 kg, but I told myself to take off (say, somewhere to the end of November) I need to get to the optimal weight - my goal is somewhere near 85 kg. Well, wait-- we'll see.

threw himself into filming miles on the bike. I've always liked, and so happens that, despite the fact that my town is now near 1 million people, we live quite close to the rim. It takes me maybe 5 minutes of filming from the house to go outside the city already quietly and the pound km on the road where the traffic is negligible.

Last week, turned the 230 km and the comforting fact was that the investigation into the mold slowly last year. On Monday I did already my basic loops (a little over 50 km) with an average slightly over 30 km / h. Yesterday evening I made these loops also, and tomorrow morning planning to do more than 120 km and is the small hills. We'll see how it goes ...

Last year had highs and lows - przetrenowalem sharply from May to the end of June, a little later until the beginning of the season, skating in September. Then it got down to training on the ice hard, but I was a bit too heavy, and despite the fact that reached the round is not so bad in training, then I felt did not fit. In late October, took off two times in sprawdzianach, but I was so disappointed with your level, with just me, He / she mentally. Later I had a little more work - a trip to England, where the only ice is just how widzilaem in a glass of drink. And so, I somehow mentally "siadlo" and no longer even tried to get to the form, even though the season was still young. This is already me a psychological type, that everything has to be optimized, well-being, or nothing ...

I hope this season will go a bit better and that somehow stretch the lessons of ups and downs. It may be that when I reach the weight to what is going, it made me even more to bolster the spirit.

with another bit barrel, the children taking last week had a camp on the ice. Drove the short track (for the uninitiated, there's a track 111 m - on the hockey rink, in contrast to the track 400 meters on the large track), as the would surely help them much once the big track. Probably 90% of Canadian athletes in the frame, big track was supposed roots in the short track in his youth. Skaters do not miejacy nothing to do with a short course of an afraid young years later, high-speed gaps and lose a lot when you eat there, uncertainly. In short track but this is the basis, because you do not wychylisz on hold, it is not completely • No driving.

At the end of the camp on Saturday, children have little competition. Both went after the 2 "zyciowki" with 3 dystanow which rode. Lila pojechala well at 1000 m, where he broke his zyciowke by over 4 seconds and had done 1:48.04. Even in the Polish short track this result would certainly be noticeable at this age. Lili certainly help guide a curved sliders. After talking with Romek in Sanok Pawlowski (for many years the club's coach Sanok short-trackowego), who strongly advised Arch skating skid in Lili (jescze Arthur is too young for this) immediately to arrange. I hope this season Lila fast to improve on the short track, as to where the results are certainly not as prominent as on the the big track. Well, but whatever you drove, it certainly will have more pleasure from training on a small track. Both kids really enjoy short track because of it, with many things going on there - the round rides, say in 11 seconds, where the track takes a duzmy (as for Lili so far) about 31 seconds.

Arthur finally gets to the end of August a new "hatch" from the Dutch company Viking. These skates (for the uninitiated) is very different from short-trackowych skate (and old skate on the big track) mainly reflects the skid is mobile in the heel - in reflection remains longer on the ice than the old type of skate, allowing you to achieve better results. Arthur has so far ridden small and large on their short track skating trackowych, because there was no sense in such a young age to introduce specialization. Well, but the time has come to this, lest the big track drove equally on decent hardware. I wonder how many things by the skate of the season will improve ...

Friday, July 21, 2006

Kates Playground With Coffee

Football - wherein they excited?

I know the World Cup finished with a long time ago, but even a few thought the title of this event ...

Co., cramps, pale, and the spectator in the sport, millions of people in the world (if not billions)? Surely in this field such terrible blows boredom that one wishes to cry. When the match in the 25th minute scored the first shot in towards the goal, is only half the people in the audience reaches an involuntary orgasm, and the second half of the involuntary diarrhea. Maybe apart from the unhappy guy in row 83, which after customs extremely striker shot, the ball struck the eye. You would then half the people sitting to the end of the match with leg founded on the leg and the other with tight buttocks.

Those athletes (Lord have mercy) are moving like flies in pitch. When the ball is in their neighborhood, takes two steps can trot at a pace which can demonstrated my grandmother, when she left the house a bit late for church on Sundays. When you kick the ball to someone else (wow, if they were there in Germany any special burning balls, because nobody wanted me too long to keep the leg), then went quietly to their normal stroll walk mode and emptying accretions from the nose with the index finger.

I will not elaborate here also the technical level and accuracy of these super-stars of football. Their application to any distance further than 5 m in May about 25% probability that they reach the intended target. And shots on goal - it's already another story. Once a match to go down there ktoremus little ball of the shoe and the ball enters the goal.

Toz in the game of hockey at a decent level (no, it says here about the exploits of Sanok team) in the five minutes of the match you can usually see the score, a few good shots on goal and two hits the body, where the players after the fact check the status of your teeth. I recommend taking up the sport when, after viewing 1983 football game this season ended 0-0, I promise myself to it anymore. Until the next Wednesday or Sunday ...