Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Filipino Scholarships In California

Las Vegas, Nevada

In August we went for 3 weeks to visit the United States, although most of the time we spent in California. Along the way, however, as the way in that direction is through Las Vegas, so we decided to stop there for a few nights, and once again visit the the city. We were already there four years earlier when we visited the Grand Canyon in Arizona and other national parks in the southern part of the state of Utah. Then we mixed feelings about Las Vegas and a total of wywiezlismy any, from there this time.

On this trip we had a whole extra person - has joined us, my cousin from Sanok, Anne. Anne, who is studying at the Academy of Economics in Cracow, already above kept the third summer in a row away in Chicago with her family (from her mother, so that is not mine) and gladly accede to our suggestions on a journey west of the continent. Flew from Chicago to Las Vegas, from where I'm at the airport and we took almost 3 weeks later flew back to Reno, Nevada. 2 days after returning to Chicago, already had an airplane to Polish.

this city is difficult to describe in short - it really is the place to be yourself to see yourself on the form your own opinions. City color - is doing an incredible impression on so-called night. Stripie (that was commonly speak on Las Vegas Boulevard - the main city streets, where there are most of the hotels and casinos, "top shelf"). Besides the place is steeped in total decadence - loads of huge advertisements everywhere from half-naked people on the street was hardly squeeze into cancer leaflets on the strength of local brothels - not looking at the fact that walking in there the whole family with children. August when I want to see some sort of attractions located in one of the hotels (they all have something else to attract people - whether, for example, white tigers and lions on a giant catwalk in the middle of the hotel, or are roller-coastery and others), then the council can not park otherwise get there to not go through the casino. After a while it becomes tiresome, because everywhere only hear the sounds of "slot machines" and see people staring hypnotically at the screen and wciskajacych for these machines more money. Everywhere you can play poker, blackjack and roulette too. Slot machines are even petrol stations and McDonald'zie - it's hard to not think that if only able, it also wsadziliby kiblach machine - but maybe it's already in the near future. When one thinks of the fact that in such an awful place in the desert where summer temperatures rarely fall below 35 degrees (4 years ago lived through the heat of 49 C in the reasonably near the Hoover dam) is a man realizes that such pomp and kitsch one could only for the money to create a multitude of those nerds who lose there entire wealth. Probability of winning is obviously very small, so that not even there, this time we lost a dime on gambling.

In this picture we have the largest roller-coaster in the city at the New York, New York. We traveled in August, including two times with kids and it was really great.

Here is depicted the essence of this city - where you can make it to the wedding without going out of the car.

And here in the evening last night with Anne Stripie.