Monday, April 30, 2007

Racquel Darrian Toronto

recently did the housekeeping fotkami, which it got in recent times. As that there were three, which were worth the move up, but since it fit the theme of to the previous post already, then I added them, too small at the bottom of photojournalism with unusual views from our house.

Friday, April 27, 2007

How To Create Jeff Hardy Caws On Svr 2008

photo archive with a summary of the skating season Spring

We have already the end of April, and I just go down with this to write about our whole season, Lili (about Arthur I have written previously ). It was a somewhat mixed season, were better and worse moments, and generally speaking, it was certainly successful.

It was a difficult season so far, because Lila was in the age group of older girls from each year, and of course so much harder to win anything.

the big track, Lila had done, like every season, and showed considerable progress has been great in the Canadian championship in February, where together with his friend club Isabela (one year older than Lili) completely deklasowaly rest players. As I parorotnie I wrote, this championship for the children of this age are held in the format wielokronie mass and need to go the distance to qualify for the next race (the number of players that dictated that everyone had to go the distance three times - quarter finals, semi and no finals). In the category of 22 athletes competed Lili from across Canada, which it had to qualify for this event at a championship every province. Of course, besides the largest Isabeli, Lila feared athletes from Quebec, which are an incredible power of the short track, but on the big track is always a lot of winning medals. They were so much great unknown, since last year when Lila drove in category age lower, Quebec does not send such a young rider in the championship. Nevertheless, it was a source of pride for me when you saw in the behavior of the best players from Quebec, when I saw the list, in the semifinals of the 500m goes to Lila and Isabela - grabbed his head and in French, she said to her friends, that made her odechciewa ride.

separate matter is already is, what was the weather in Winnipeg in February. One week before the championships in Canada, we were there on the Euro championships. America, which is moreover shown to be a huge dud. Then it is a preschool temperature unknown to me so far in my life limits. When the morning lit my rented car (we flew there weekend after weekend, because as far as driving a car - 1400km of Calgary), the temperature was -39 degrees and the wind was 20 km / h, which gave the time factor of -53 degrees cooling. During the day the temperature rose to -27 degrees (at most), but still windy. I was amazed at all the events took place on Saturday. Lila was then second in both races for Isabela, but literally a centrymetry. On Sunday, the competition has not taken place - maybe it was slightly warmer than Saturday, but the air was higher wilgotonosc and present there, the doctors advised that in such weather can be acquired lasting lung ailments. One week later, while the Canadian championship was hot as hell (in comparison to the prior week terms) - it was -29 degrees and -19 in the morning during the day.

Lila won the Canadian championships 2 gold medals on the first day, winning from Isabela by 2 hundredths of a second at 500m, but at 1000 m finals completely shocked everyone. Attacked in the 500m before the finish, where exiting the rear at high speed, which built the arc, all gone like a rocket. No one could react to that, because Lila was much longer in the front. When all the rest started to chase me, then calmly dowiozla Lila huge advantage to the finish line - wins the race by more than 1.8 seconds from Isabela.

similar tactics applied in the semifinals, where a friend did just a few pictures (I do not broadcast this - I was busy yelling at forces in the lungs, to cheer Lile). Here, Lila is at the exit from the hold of the 450m before the finish - just go to run longer on a large speed. It is worth noting how all the girls are wyubierane.

here already but this is a later round of 60 meters before the finish - is already a considerable advantage over the other girl from Manitoba.

Here follows the already very easily to the finish - must also fulfill the advantage is considerable.

evening at the banquet was the hand of medals for the first day. Here on the podium for the 500m Lila in the first place, Isabel on the second (right), and the third is "terrified" girl from Quebec.

On the second day, however, Isabel has won two races and a total of points wins slightly before Lila (Lila, unfortunately, was zamnknieta between other zawodniczkami at the finish of one race, what is zemscilo .) Well, we'll see what Lila will show a year at this event - then it will be the senior yearbook in this age group - if I did not change the category, which is already przebakiwano the descent of Canadian skating in previous years - we'll find out about it in June.

Besides, this season was marked by a huge improvement on the small track - Lila has improved its zyciowki a year at least class. At 500m, for example, improved from season to season by almost 4 seconds for 500m (49.76 reached its result.) To make comparisons, the Polish record in this age group is 51,343. Lila on the 1000m and went better than the record result of Polish in this age category - 1:44.42. Both of these results and involve a class sport in Poland in the short track. On the big track results on the class already reached in the 2005/06 season.

At the end of the season in March, when most skaters have tended to the dispositions swietna finish off the big track, a Lila pochorowala August and went then below their expectations. No less jendak What are we going to improve even more next season.

It has an amazing aptitude for the sport, which is confirmed every year. The only record of Canada in this age group made this year, was established in January by Lile. Of course there is a chance to beat him for years even more. Below

Lili gives the results from this season, in comparison with the year earlier.

Tor long:
500m - 43.06 (43.80 before the season)
1000m - 1:26.14 (1:27.87)
1500m - 2:14.05 (2:18.71)
-around sprint - 174,340 (175,690)

short circuit:
500m - 49.76 (53.48)
666m - 1:06.82 (1:12.71)
777m - 1:19.80 (1:26.34)
1000m - 1:44.42 (1:52.28)
1500m - 2:44.09 (a year ago there were traveling this distance)