Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Filipino Scholarships In California

Las Vegas, Nevada

In August we went for 3 weeks to visit the United States, although most of the time we spent in California. Along the way, however, as the way in that direction is through Las Vegas, so we decided to stop there for a few nights, and once again visit the the city. We were already there four years earlier when we visited the Grand Canyon in Arizona and other national parks in the southern part of the state of Utah. Then we mixed feelings about Las Vegas and a total of wywiezlismy any, from there this time.

On this trip we had a whole extra person - has joined us, my cousin from Sanok, Anne. Anne, who is studying at the Academy of Economics in Cracow, already above kept the third summer in a row away in Chicago with her family (from her mother, so that is not mine) and gladly accede to our suggestions on a journey west of the continent. Flew from Chicago to Las Vegas, from where I'm at the airport and we took almost 3 weeks later flew back to Reno, Nevada. 2 days after returning to Chicago, already had an airplane to Polish.

this city is difficult to describe in short - it really is the place to be yourself to see yourself on the form your own opinions. City color - is doing an incredible impression on so-called night. Stripie (that was commonly speak on Las Vegas Boulevard - the main city streets, where there are most of the hotels and casinos, "top shelf"). Besides the place is steeped in total decadence - loads of huge advertisements everywhere from half-naked people on the street was hardly squeeze into cancer leaflets on the strength of local brothels - not looking at the fact that walking in there the whole family with children. August when I want to see some sort of attractions located in one of the hotels (they all have something else to attract people - whether, for example, white tigers and lions on a giant catwalk in the middle of the hotel, or are roller-coastery and others), then the council can not park otherwise get there to not go through the casino. After a while it becomes tiresome, because everywhere only hear the sounds of "slot machines" and see people staring hypnotically at the screen and wciskajacych for these machines more money. Everywhere you can play poker, blackjack and roulette too. Slot machines are even petrol stations and McDonald'zie - it's hard to not think that if only able, it also wsadziliby kiblach machine - but maybe it's already in the near future. When one thinks of the fact that in such an awful place in the desert where summer temperatures rarely fall below 35 degrees (4 years ago lived through the heat of 49 C in the reasonably near the Hoover dam) is a man realizes that such pomp and kitsch one could only for the money to create a multitude of those nerds who lose there entire wealth. Probability of winning is obviously very small, so that not even there, this time we lost a dime on gambling.

In this picture we have the largest roller-coaster in the city at the New York, New York. We traveled in August, including two times with kids and it was really great.

Here is depicted the essence of this city - where you can make it to the wedding without going out of the car.

And here in the evening last night with Anne Stripie.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Tarcisio Zobbi Against Berlusconi

Leg alone bounce ... Local Patriotism

I came across a piece today on Niezly blues from Joe Bonamassa'ego.

How To Use A Blade Server As A Pc

The June

7 July in Cuba was an outbreak Urbanski among most people used to be connected, or even still with the skates. In this photo (by Robert caterpillar) shows where my heart lies when it comes to consume drinks hop. How is an old song once proclaimed Wanka Wstanka team is "the best beer is Leżajsk full ..."

Sunday, July 8, 2007

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camping trips

At the beginning of June we went to the neighboring provinces - British Columbia (370 km from Calgary) for the weekend. The place we chose is called Canyon Hot Springs - there are interesting natural pools with thermal water - big with a constant temperature of 31 degrees and less than a temperature of 42 degrees. Unfortunately I did not have any pictures at the pool - came to his senses on Sundays at the exit, I took the camera at all.
In this photo
Lila pancake'i fries (something similar to the Polish pancakes) for breakfast, and we folded the tent Danu and the rest of the equipment.

contrast, three weeks later we went to the family (plus Iza - Danusia niece) to a provincial park Kinbrook Island, some 2 hours east of Calgary. This place is located on Lake Newell pretty bedrooms with - fire burned with sausage (and wine for adults) to the late hour.

And during the day Children were playing on the beach.

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Dinosaur Provincial Park

Two days after the precipitation of snow falling in the previous blog did a great weather in August (probably already calgaryjskie quoted an old saying - how do you I do not like the weather in Calgary - wait 5 minutes). Therefore we decided to go to a provincial park, the dinosaurs. This park is located about 250 km east of Calgary and is one of 14 seats in Canada the list World Heritage Sites (UNESCO). For curiosity here is the link to the Polish places on this list.

This is an interesting place where (as in the case p0dobnie Badland National Park in S.. Dakota, where we were a year ago ), through an interesting geological phenomenon created by the unusual rock formations and fossils can be found after the dinosaurs. In short, we are dealing with a typical sedimentary rock - a layer of sand was covered with more resistant material, then it when the mud flowed through this area of \u200b\u200b75 million is a huge river years ago. The gradual erosion caused that some rocks are quickly washed away in the lower layers and this is the przylad have such units.

Danusia Here is the kids on the background of the formation of sand in this park.

in this pile of trees in srodu photograph at the top you can get discern where he spent the night camping.

As this is a little desert terrain, and it was the right time of year, we saw rzadosc - Flowering cacti.

Arthur was learning the art of chopping wood fireplace - the picture can see the number of toes and cancer even so far as not diminished.

next day at the exit of the park once again absorb the atmosphere and the fantastic panorama of the place.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Hang Drapes In Corner

Calgaryjska weather

May 24 - any questions?

Monday, April 30, 2007

Racquel Darrian Toronto

recently did the housekeeping fotkami, which it got in recent times. As that there were three, which were worth the move up, but since it fit the theme of to the previous post already, then I added them, too small at the bottom of photojournalism with unusual views from our house.

Friday, April 27, 2007

How To Create Jeff Hardy Caws On Svr 2008

photo archive with a summary of the skating season Spring

We have already the end of April, and I just go down with this to write about our whole season, Lili (about Arthur I have written previously ). It was a somewhat mixed season, were better and worse moments, and generally speaking, it was certainly successful.

It was a difficult season so far, because Lila was in the age group of older girls from each year, and of course so much harder to win anything.

the big track, Lila had done, like every season, and showed considerable progress has been great in the Canadian championship in February, where together with his friend club Isabela (one year older than Lili) completely deklasowaly rest players. As I parorotnie I wrote, this championship for the children of this age are held in the format wielokronie mass and need to go the distance to qualify for the next race (the number of players that dictated that everyone had to go the distance three times - quarter finals, semi and no finals). In the category of 22 athletes competed Lili from across Canada, which it had to qualify for this event at a championship every province. Of course, besides the largest Isabeli, Lila feared athletes from Quebec, which are an incredible power of the short track, but on the big track is always a lot of winning medals. They were so much great unknown, since last year when Lila drove in category age lower, Quebec does not send such a young rider in the championship. Nevertheless, it was a source of pride for me when you saw in the behavior of the best players from Quebec, when I saw the list, in the semifinals of the 500m goes to Lila and Isabela - grabbed his head and in French, she said to her friends, that made her odechciewa ride.

separate matter is already is, what was the weather in Winnipeg in February. One week before the championships in Canada, we were there on the Euro championships. America, which is moreover shown to be a huge dud. Then it is a preschool temperature unknown to me so far in my life limits. When the morning lit my rented car (we flew there weekend after weekend, because as far as driving a car - 1400km of Calgary), the temperature was -39 degrees and the wind was 20 km / h, which gave the time factor of -53 degrees cooling. During the day the temperature rose to -27 degrees (at most), but still windy. I was amazed at all the events took place on Saturday. Lila was then second in both races for Isabela, but literally a centrymetry. On Sunday, the competition has not taken place - maybe it was slightly warmer than Saturday, but the air was higher wilgotonosc and present there, the doctors advised that in such weather can be acquired lasting lung ailments. One week later, while the Canadian championship was hot as hell (in comparison to the prior week terms) - it was -29 degrees and -19 in the morning during the day.

Lila won the Canadian championships 2 gold medals on the first day, winning from Isabela by 2 hundredths of a second at 500m, but at 1000 m finals completely shocked everyone. Attacked in the 500m before the finish, where exiting the rear at high speed, which built the arc, all gone like a rocket. No one could react to that, because Lila was much longer in the front. When all the rest started to chase me, then calmly dowiozla Lila huge advantage to the finish line - wins the race by more than 1.8 seconds from Isabela.

similar tactics applied in the semifinals, where a friend did just a few pictures (I do not broadcast this - I was busy yelling at forces in the lungs, to cheer Lile). Here, Lila is at the exit from the hold of the 450m before the finish - just go to run longer on a large speed. It is worth noting how all the girls are wyubierane.

here already but this is a later round of 60 meters before the finish - is already a considerable advantage over the other girl from Manitoba.

Here follows the already very easily to the finish - must also fulfill the advantage is considerable.

evening at the banquet was the hand of medals for the first day. Here on the podium for the 500m Lila in the first place, Isabel on the second (right), and the third is "terrified" girl from Quebec.

On the second day, however, Isabel has won two races and a total of points wins slightly before Lila (Lila, unfortunately, was zamnknieta between other zawodniczkami at the finish of one race, what is zemscilo .) Well, we'll see what Lila will show a year at this event - then it will be the senior yearbook in this age group - if I did not change the category, which is already przebakiwano the descent of Canadian skating in previous years - we'll find out about it in June.

Besides, this season was marked by a huge improvement on the small track - Lila has improved its zyciowki a year at least class. At 500m, for example, improved from season to season by almost 4 seconds for 500m (49.76 reached its result.) To make comparisons, the Polish record in this age group is 51,343. Lila on the 1000m and went better than the record result of Polish in this age category - 1:44.42. Both of these results and involve a class sport in Poland in the short track. On the big track results on the class already reached in the 2005/06 season.

At the end of the season in March, when most skaters have tended to the dispositions swietna finish off the big track, a Lila pochorowala August and went then below their expectations. No less jendak What are we going to improve even more next season.

It has an amazing aptitude for the sport, which is confirmed every year. The only record of Canada in this age group made this year, was established in January by Lile. Of course there is a chance to beat him for years even more. Below

Lili gives the results from this season, in comparison with the year earlier.

Tor long:
500m - 43.06 (43.80 before the season)
1000m - 1:26.14 (1:27.87)
1500m - 2:14.05 (2:18.71)
-around sprint - 174,340 (175,690)

short circuit:
500m - 49.76 (53.48)
666m - 1:06.82 (1:12.71)
777m - 1:19.80 (1:26.34)
1000m - 1:44.42 (1:52.28)
1500m - 2:44.09 (a year ago there were traveling this distance)

Monday, March 26, 2007

Playing In The Office Kates Playground

Polish skaters in Calgary

On the first weekend of March took place in Calgary competition with the World Cup series in skating. For this reason they were here Polish skaters. As is almost every time is going when they visit our city, we host them here for dinner one evening. This time too, without any of that is not cared.

wines of the evening went a lot, however, hasten to report that the players were not the perpetrators of this - more trainers and no calgaryjscy aborigines.

in this photo is from Barry Wójcicka coming from my hometown of Sanok. Barry now lives a few years in Zakopane, where he trains under the tutelage of Krzyska Niedzwiedzki.

Here Danusia with Barry.

Here the group photo. From left to right - Paul Abratkiewicz (current team coach sprinters, three-time Olympian himself), Chris Niedźwiedzki (seated - wieloboistow team coach), Barry Wójcicka (two times Olympian), Artur Was (Olympian of Turin), said to me, Maciek Ustynowicz (Olympian of Turin ) and Cuba Urbanski (were skaters, Polish champion, who lives permanently in Calgary and my good friend).

worth noting that in these competitions Maciek Ustynowicz broke the previous record in the 500m Polish Pawel Abratkiwicza belonging to the (now his coach). This record became the Olympics in Salt Lake City in 2002. And in such a way Polish record descended below the magic barrier of 35.04 to 34.83 ...

Monday, March 12, 2007

Writing High Hat On Sibelius

Lila Lila, and also here with Arthur skater ...

We here a lot of talking about the exploits of Lili, and there quietly in the shadow of another skater in the family grows. During the competition in January pojezdzil very nicely, and slew all their zyciowki with a large reserve. As from among their peers not in the way of competition in Alberta and neighboring provinces, it must compete competed in the group with older children. Alberta Championships so the kids wore about two years older than him, but he gave himself, and there's great advice - took 3rd place.

This age group is rather difficult to trace the network, but it seems to me that an overview of the situation I'm pretty good in the whole of Canada. Only in Quebec is a boy at the age of Arthur, who has similar performance (but still weaker by comparison, even the results of the open track) on the big track. On the short track is still najepszy in the west of the country, but in Quebec it is already much greater konkurecja. Short track Arthur did not somehow walked this year, but also defeated and there zyciowki.

Here we have nice portrait of Arthur before one of the gear in Calgary (3 pics by Robert Track)

Here spidery Arturek goes on hold. Spidery, as the still drivin high (only just now we take more solid to work on technique this summer).

Here and in the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200bthe finals in these zadowach - the two men before him are older than him by 2 years.

in February while we were in the Euro championships. America in Winnipeg (about which I write in the next blog), where they also competed in Arthur's age group (Bantam - 8 and 9 years prior to July 2006). Arturek there had completely no competition, and won without any problem. Year there will be much harder, because it will be in a group with older guys and a lot more of them arrives at the championship event (in the Arthur group was 8). Here you will receive a gold medal from the event at an evening banquet.

Here natmiast trackowym short on training with his two colleagues (Even older than him)

At the end of the season as the Arturka we list the moral behavior of all the records from that season.

Long track:
300m - 32.02 (in the hall), outdoor
33.32 500m - 52.46 (Hall), on the air
55.68 800m - 1:27.16 (Hall), 1:29.10 (air)
1000m - 1:44.92 (Hall), 1:57.40 (air)

Short Track:
333m - 500m
41.54 - 60.16
666m - 1:22.90
777m - 1:37.71 (in the last race of the season and driving down to 1:34 before August wywalil 10m meta)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

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Alberta Championships in Calgary

In mid-January in Calgary, Alberta championships took place to skate in bulk format. On the first day the ice was tragically slow and I do not know why. Nevertheless, Lila had to put a strain on tight in order to go 1:28 in 1000, where two months earlier had done peacefully at 1:26 this distance. At 300 m also was not a brilliant result - 27.48. A year ago, surely had done over this distance 27.56.

assumption of this event was to make Canada the results are any older category (Juvenile - 12 and 13 years before the current season). In the former category a year ago Lila had done all the possible records (8) and it looks like that long they will remain in the books.

After very successful first day (Lila was second in both races for his good friend, Isabel Dilger) improved the second day on the ice and Lili disposition. 500-m record of Canada has improved from 4 years ago and went 42.57 (previous record 42.76). A year ago at this competition had a 44.03, so the progress made steady but could not this show the first day on the ice that "potato." Lila

Here is the picture of Isabela is already one of Saturday's gear.

And here's the medal after the deal on Sunday - Lila has won two races that day and had more points in competition since Isabel. In third place, another friend from the same group - Staci Dawidowski (her father is Ukrainian origin - but he says maybe the five words in that language.)

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smog in our city is quite an unusual thing, but nevertheless I managed to do this picture. This phenomenon usually occurs before the coming of warm wind called "chinook" - is a Polish equivalent of "halny. Then there is no strong thermal inversion, a layer of cold air is still overwhelmed by warmer air from the top. This entails, any contamination can not escape into the atmosphere and remain until I come warm wind.

We have a pretty good vantage point for these various atmospheric interest (as I wrote already in an earlier post ). A similar phenomenon sometimes observed in August in Zakopane - the mechanism is exactly the same.

And here have other shots of the same phenomenon, only about two months later.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Exploitation Movies Japan

Short-ending tracks of 2006, domestic wine

day before New Year's Eve the children were male competition in the beautiful mountain town of Canmore (just over 100 km from Calgary) - this time in the short track. Short track speed skating (for those who may not necessarily know), speed skating is on track with a dimension of 111.12 m, so that you are riding on the ice hockey. Of course, this is in contrast to ice skating on the track long, which it has a dimension of 400 m.

skating it differs in principle - the group starts in August (on the big track, two players at once, each on its own track), as well as skate May stationary skid (on the long path back sliders is movable in the vertical plane, which allows for longer contact sliders with ice in reflection, and hence - higher speed). This happens a lot of protective equipment, as the accidents can be very threatening. On the big track, it is not so necessary, because the probability of the collapse of two athletes at a time, and hence, a collision between them is statistically negligible - I mean, practically speaking, it is incredibly rare.

Before the competitions were kids with ice awry, as with by Christmas break, there were no trainings on a small track. Lila was last before the competition drove on a small track 12 days earlier, and Arthur even longer, because a bit sick before Christmas. So when they both went out of their warm-up the morning before the race, then closed my eyes. The technique can be affected by such a break.

day we started early, as the need to first place was to get there. Warm-up was planned for 7:15 am, so I put the kids on their feet at 5:30, slowly gathered in August and we went home at 5:50. As the road to this village is a highway, then we got the place a bit before 7 am (one had yet dotankowac our van on the way).

Lila were traveling in the strongest group (groups are set based on the record of life at 500 m) and had a first distance 777 m (7 laps). At this distance, it had so far rather weak zyciowke and thought that maybe I beat on these competitions. Were traveling slightly technically, stumbled a few times, but times had nice rounds. At the finish of 1:19.91 - zyciowka by nearly 3 seconds. Later in the finals yet it has improved slightly and went 1:19.80.

Arthur while driving down the first 666 m (6 laps). When I woke up in the morning, it did not feel the best (most recently fought again with some colds), but I want to go to the competitions and enter for. In the semifinals at this distance, therefore driving down very nicely for him to fifth colic. At the last round went terribly weakened and I am about two seconds slower than the previous average. Nevertheless, the result of 1:25.81 was better than his previous zyciowki of 0.28 seconds. The finale is better, as that already went for a more evenly - 1:24.77.

Lila At 500 meters in the semifinals were traveling in third place, and the course was quite fast but not fastest. At half lap before the finish bad boy before it rebounded in August to hold and very disturbed. Lila had to perform a maneuver to bypass the inhibition odybwu lyzwew as in hockey - mete arrived at the second (which I am eligible for the finale A - which is better). 51.30 The time is almost second slower than her zyciowka, but not being able to complain given the recent round. Later, driving down Artur your semifinal and did 1:01.83 - zyciowka by almost 2 seconds. Fought hard with a girl older than 5 years ahead of me in the round before the finish. At the finish she tried to pick up the lead, but won the Arthur slightly.

finals were traveling in first and Lila had done a minor zyciowke - 50.26. She was happy, because for the second time in the life of the contest (the first in the final 777 m) it managed to overtake someone at full speed. Incidentally, is ahead of the boy, his sympathies (older than her by a year). At the finish was third (in the finals to 777 was also the third). Won with her older boyfriend for 2 years and a girl older by a year. All train in the same group, so that before takeoff and after all the jokes and generally it is always a friendly atmosphere.

Arthur in his final went a bit slower than in the semifinals and finished 1:02.38. However, this was the second in their group.

last run it was the final day of the long distance, to be eligible who with the results of two previous ones. Lila were traveling in 1000, and Arthur to 777 meters before the start counseled Lili order and went into the lead at its own pace. I knew that will be overtaken by someone before the finish, but it is a better solution for her. In this race the previous Games in Edmonton in late October, the start was slow and far away in August to block the 5 spot. At the same place then it reunites with the mete. Unfortunately, she began to ride a short track just two years ago and still in her jendak can see this lack of experience in driving group. The rest of the kids in her group already drivin less than 5 years and over the years learned to anticipate the already very good. Lila has incredible strength and quite a good technique, but it is still just ahead of its Achilles heel. I assure you that it is not so simple when simple is less than 30 meters and travels at a speed of 40 km / h.

in Canmore decided to try another tactic. Lila started strongly and was running an evenly for 7 laps. Then it has been overtaken and fell into third place. Before meta tried to make up even a bit, but narrowly lost the second girl (the order is the same as in the previous race). Result - 1:44.42 - zyciowka about 0.7 seconds. In Poland, the country would be a record for junior D, as well as its outcome, moreover, to 500

Arthur went quite well, and finished his 777 m wynkikiem 1:38.31. It is slightly worse than zyciowki, but I liked his attitude in this race. He was also the second position.

After receiving medals (both bronze medals were in their groups), we went to Calgary. And in the evening and was a party at his parents sympathy Lili and sat at the wine unless from 20 adults (parents of children in the club) - the discussions were interesting and merry. Children can wyglupialy at the bottom (it was probably also the 15), and later watched movies.

Such nice and long day ended at 23:30 when we arrived in the end we all go home and to bed already asleep on the Past in 2006.

Oh, I would be completely forgotten - All the best wishes in this new year 2007 for all recipients of this blog!