Monday, September 11, 2006

Unlock Channels Dvbdream

Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, and the rest

After completing what was worth PLN parts of Wyoming and western part Pld. Dakota we went to Yellowstone again. It is a national park located in most of Wyoming, but his small part is also in Montana. We were in the park for a whole week in August 2003, so that everything was still fresh in memory. Nevertheless, it was worth to go there again.

the way we stayed in a small town Cody, where, moreover, Danusia rescued me out of trouble when he stopped me deputy sheriff for passing a red light. In total, the case was marginal, because the lights have changed when I was in the middle of the intersection. A police officer, despite the fact it was the middle of the day in the center of the town, approached me from behind his hand on the holster was hardly rubbing against our van. But when the saw has to do with the family with two children, is it a bit zrelaksowal. Danu smiled at him and convinced him that it was her fault, however, (despite that I was guided), because of the kind she dared me to ride on a yellow light. A police officer nevertheless took my driver's license and checked the computer and sometimes they do not have my name anywhere in the United States arrest warrant. When he became convinced that hardly I had to deal with the law as much as before, let us with a warning without a mandate.

On the outskirts of the town of Cody is such a nice lagoon:

When we arrived in Yellowstone, a park at the eastern gate welcomed us with bison.

Campsite in the park is very cool, but of course, everything can be eaten or drunk has to be buried at night in the car - Everybody was in the cubs fairly large extent. We have succeeded - only wolves howled at night, and it is even very close. Because of this, the park is largely at an altitude of over 2300 meters, the night was extremely cold. August Poubieralismy all pretty tight, but it's all in the legs zmarlzismy - the temperature at night fell to 0 degrees.

Pozdwiedzalismy also the second time these basic space of the park. Here we are so near. Fishing Cone (Fisherman's cone). From there also sometimes geyser erupts, despite the fact that the cone is already in a cold lake.

One of the many sources in a beautiful park, Yellowstone - the temperature is 80 degrees Celsius, so I suggest do not swim in there despite the visually appealing:

None visit to Yellowstone would not be complete without a pass Old Faithful - the most regular of the larger geysers. His name (Old Faithful) suggests, moreover, just such behavior. In fact, the Park Service to fly every hour of the eruption when the next eruption will happen with an accuracy of up to 10 minutes in both directions. Currently, this geyser erupts about every 94 minutes. Here are just waiting for the explosion:

And here Old Faithful just shows us (and even with 1000 other people) what you can do:

Our other favorite place in the park is FireHole River (the Fire Hole River - if so, you can translate.) This river would be awfully cold, were it not for the km above the river flows into the vast amount of water from the geysers and a few strong sources. So that you can swim there very nicely. In this photo can not see, but up the river (left side) is of paramount narrowing canyon and there great leaps into the river and flows down between the steep rock walls in a strong current.

zaliczylismy After swim so well. mud pots - boilers with mud. Famously when it looks like mud reveal bubbles and break every moment. Scientific explanation of this fact is that when there is so much water, but it is hydrogen sulfide (H2S), there arises sulfuric acid (H2SO4). This acid dissolves the rock around the tiny particles. The result is that by the thick mud to squeeze water from the bottom, which makes this an unforgettable sight as if boiling mud.

with Arthur near another smaller geyser (Clepsydra Gayser).

against the so-called Lila. bacteria mats - Bacterial mattresses. Just the hot water running wide stream creates a uniquely great place to live to various microorganisms. The result is this interesting brick-red color.

over FireHole River, so much as slightly above the place where he bathed earlier the same day.

the next day Arthur apart from other places with boiling mud.

And here our family on the background of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone with a waterfall at altitudes 1992 m. Despite this sounding name, but this canyon is very negligible in comparison to the Grand Canyon Arizona, who did such an impression on us three years ago.

Another photo of the canyon.

And later that day we went for a walk in the mountains and zaliczylismy Gorke those in the photo - Mt. Washburn (3122 m). I know that the height is nice, but it was just a walk. I've been on many mountains in our colder Canadian Rocky Mountains, which required a much bigger effort.

At the top of the kids.

And here Danusia marching with the kids to go down.

yet the same day we went to the house (we arrived at 3 am the next day - Red Bull rules!). And many of our holidays in the United States in 2006. In the next year or Alaska or Colorado ...